Things You See at Metrocon 2014: Photo Gallery

Things You See At Momocon 2014: Video Compilation

Momocon was every bit as fun this year as it was last year. Okay every bit as fun and then some!

Although any and all thoughts of this being a ‘smaller con’ were put to rest last year, this year basically did a dance on those thoughts’ grave while wearing fancy light-up stilettos. Momocon spanned two hotels this year and offered up a host of big name guests. The crowds were out in full creatively cosplayed force as well, and over the course of three days there was always, always something exciting to be done or seen.

Don’t take my word for it though!

Nothing beats being there, but if a picture is worth a thousand words, surely a video comes close, right? So here you go! Some walking, some panels, some randomness– a veritable smorgasbord of Momocon goodness in case you missed it this year.

MTAC (Middle Tennessee Anime Convention) 2014

The Middle Tennessee Anime Convention (MTAC) is a three day anime convention hosted in Murfresboro, Tennessee. Organized by ArtsCubed, the convention has grown substantially from it’s modest 300 person attendance in 1999 to a whopping 9,796 head count last year!

This year, MTAC boasted a prestigious line-up of events and guests including Martin Billany, Daniel Coglan, Jillian Coglan, DJ Pete Ellison, Dan Green, Samantha Inoue-Harte, Vedetta Marie, Vic Mignogna, Marianne Miller, Chii Sakurabi, and Eric Stuart.


Site correspondant Mickey McClendon was on the scene to capture some of the magic on camera and on film. Fun fact: it was his very first convention!
Check out some snippets of the con (and some very unique interviews!) below!

My personal favorite, a shout out from Little Kuriboh himself- Martin Billany!

Things You See at AnachroCon: Beyond Amazing Balloons!

anachrocon 122I wish I caught the name of the man who so cleverly used air and bendable latex to bring so many smiles to the crowds around him. Dressed in what looked like a lab coat and always amicable, this wonderful AnachroCon patron plastered smiles on everyone he encountered that day. At one point I witnessed him bridge the gap between steampunk convention and cheerleading convention as he happily forged hats and scepters for the sparkly-lidded young ladies waiting for a meal at the hotel.

Below, you can witness his amazing talents at work as he forges a crown worthy of awesome author Esther Wheelmaker!

If anyone knows this man’s identity or has links to his exploits and expertise, please share them. He definitely added a splash of flair and color to the con, and deserves every ounce of recognition!anachrocon 034

Things You See at AnachroCon: Veronique Chevalier

veroniqueThe day was ending, but the concerts were just beginning. We all clip-clopped our corseted way to the main hall to revel in some amazing music…and were in for quite the treat when we arrived!

Veronique Chevalier combines Parisian showmanship, a sharp accent, and a wicked sense of humor into one dynamite act. For those who weren’t able to roll in the aisles in person, check out her stellar performance of “Garlic with a G” below!

I know, I know…you want more, right? Well here you go! Check out more from Veronique at Weird Val’s Homepage  and Veronique’s Facebook !